Dermaplaning with Seni Peel

Dermaplaning is the best procedure for beautiful, and glowing skin.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliation of dead skin cells that also removes “peach fuzz” and surface debris with custom dermaplaning blade. One of the best treatments to pair with dermaplaning is Sensi peel.

Sensi Peel is a very gentle peel that improves mild breakouts and skin tone. This is safe for all skin types, including rosacea patients. There is very little downtime and no true peeling with this peel. It provides a nice glow and refreshes dull skin.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

  • Dermaplaning helps increase absorption of skin care products
  • Diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Best to prime skin for chemical peels, laser treatments and microneedling
  • Creates more radiant appearance